Ethan with his award from the #Denver @CoerverCoaching camp
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by StephenSo proud of this guy for winning the skills competition in his group at @CoerverCoaching camp – most moves in 1 minute!
Published via Pressgram
Ethan at the plate
/0 Comments/in Pictures, Uncategorized/by StephenSun setting on our 4th game of the day – 2 soccer, 2 baseball. I love spring!
Published via Pressgram
A (Re)Start
/1 Comment/in Uncategorized/by StephenI created this website nearly three years ago as we were leaving Atlanta and moving to Denver to start New Denver Church. My plan was to create a simple place to share that journey with friends and family around the country and world. Given that my parents told me not long ago that they start their day by going to my website to read my Twitter feed, look at my picture feed, and read any updates I’ve posted, I think the site has accomplished its original goal. Recently I’ve been thinking about expanding the purpose of this site – to begin sharing my thoughts on life, ministry, spiritual formation, and other random topics.
To be fair, I’ve tried this before in fits and starts with limited success. So what’s changed? I think my motivation for writing has changed. When I first started this site I tinkered with the thought of being a regular “blogger.” I talked to people I knew and admired who had done this well and got some helpful insights into the world of blogging (Scot McKnight and John Saddington were particularly helpful). To be honest it was just too daunting. Watching the volume of writing it takes to make a “successful” blog was just overwhelming. For one, I’m not the most disciplined person in the world, but secondly I just felt like I didn’t have that much to say. But recently I’ve been questioning whether these were barriers that should hold me back. If I can’t write a lot does that mean I should just write nothing? Probably not.
The last three years have been a tremendous period of stretching and growth for me. I feel like I’m learning so much personally and in ministry as a church planter, and I feel like I’m ready to share it. But here’s the big thing that pushed me over the edge – I need to write it as a part of my own learning process, regardless of whether anyone reads it or not. I discovered years ago that I’m drawn to the learning process, but without some kind of structure or accountability my learning often stagnates. So my hope is that by forcing myself to come here on a regular basis (how regularly? who knows.) to articulate some of the things I’m thinking about and learning, I will learn more in that process.
So this is my public declaration of intent to make this my place to think out loud, even if no one reads it but me (and maybe my mom). 🙂
/by StephenConsulting
/by StephenIn addition to working as part of a church-plant team starting New Denver Church here in Colorado, I also spend some of my time with other endeavors. I love to work with individuals and small businesses to help them solve real-world problems with technology. I also love to meet with church leaders to help them solve challenges of leadership, organizational systems, and spiritual formation. I’ve created a site called (not so creatively) to share a little more about the services I offer.
My NDC Messages
- Leaning Into Lent – Part 1 (Stephen Redden) 03/02/2025
- 15th Birthday Celebration! 10/14/2024
- Pentecost: Life in the Spirit – Part 2 (Stephen Redden) 05/26/2024
- Made for Each Other (Stephen Redden) 02/05/2024
- Honor Your Father and Mother08/03/2013 - 4:07 pm
- First turns04/12/2009 - 7:52 pm
- The Thread of Grace09/17/2013 - 5:36 pm
- Group Life Advisory Team03/07/2009 - 7:57 am
- Leadership Authority AND Leadership Vulnerability02/10/2023 - 11:30 am
- Mac and Me – A Conscious Uncoupling, Week 104/03/2017 - 8:00 am
- A New Ally in Moderating Screen Time – OurPact10/10/2016 - 4:37 pm
- My #sabbatical reflections08/19/2015 - 10:25 am
Stephen -- Interesting that you say that there are way more...04/05/2017 - 7:31 am by John
that's a great local location for retreats. Been there several...05/25/2016 - 11:37 am by Brian Ralph
good stuff, thanks for sharing. love the parts on mobile...08/19/2015 - 2:35 pm by dan snyder
St. Patrick's Day (17 March).. Great summary..04/04/2015 - 8:19 am by Phil Kingsley